Health Assessments

As people enter their 40s, it’s a great time to review their health and risk factors with their GP. This proactive step can help plan and guide future healthcare needs effectively.

A health assessment for individuals aged 45–49 is particularly valuable for the early detection of potential chronic conditions. It helps reduce the risk of illnesses later in life and includes a general health review along with relevant screening tests. The team will conduct the initial assessment and then create your personalised plan.

This indepth health assessment is key to promoting a healthier lifestyle and addressing potential health issues early. It allows you to take preventative measures to delay or prevent the onset of chronic diseases such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions
  • Mental health conditions
  • Smoking-related lung disease

Helath Assessment

UPDATE: There have been PBS changes from 1 June 2020 regarding opioid prescribing. Please book with your regular GP to discuss how these changes will affect you.


HotDoc Payments to Secure Your Booking

You may now be prompted to enter your payment details into HotDoc to secure the booking with your GP. This is safe and secure. No funds will be deducted until after your appointment. If your appointment is bulk billed, no fee will be deducted. Click here to learn more.

Parking Information

Our clinic is now located at 1 Light Square, Gawler. Information about car parking can be found here.

Flu season is coming!

Get your flu vaccine now. Talk to your doctor or nurse about the best vaccine for you. Call reception to make a booking 8522 3444