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Women’s Health Clinics

Patients are supported by General Practitioners and Nurses who understand that women have unique needs in terms of health and the way health services are accessed.

Our Nurse Practitioner conducts pap smear and Well Women clinics. This service is becoming increasingly popular, giving patients the option of either seeing their doctor or a nurse.

Contact us if you would like to book in for one of the clinics.


  • Pap smears
  • STI testing
  • Pregnancy
  • Fertility and reproductive health
  • Menstrual problems
  • Menopause
  • Urinary issues
  • Pelvic exams

Chronic Disease

The doctors have experience in managing patients with chronic disease such as asthma, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and renal impairment.

We have registers for patients with chronic diseases which improves systematic and targeted care.

We work with patients on the prevention of chronic diseases to provide regular checks on cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure and help patients improve in these areas.

The medical centre has an excellent referral network of specialists and Allied health professionals to help with chronic disease management.


Patients with a chronic medical condition may be able to get Medicare benefits to cover allied health services that help manage their condition.

If you have a chronic medical condition, your doctor may suggest a GP Management Plan. If you need treatment from two or more health professionals, your doctor may also put a Team Care Arrangements plan in place for you.

A GP Management Plan is a plan of action agreed between you and your GP. It identifies your health care needs, sets out the services to be provided by your GP and lists the actions that you need to take.

A Team Care Arrangements plan lets your doctor work with, and refer you to, at least two other health professionals who will provide treatment or services to you.

You may be eligible for Medicare benefits for specific allied health services if your doctor prepares both types of plans for you.


  • Cholesterol checks
  • Monitoring of glucose and blood pressure
  • GP management plans
  • Referrals to specialist care


UPDATE: There have been PBS changes from 1 June 2020 regarding opioid prescribing. Please book with your regular GP to discuss how these changes will affect you.

Currently Welcoming New Patients.


HotDoc Payments to Secure Your Booking

You may now be prompted to enter your payment details into HotDoc to secure the booking with your GP. This is safe and secure. No funds will be deducted until after your appointment. If your appointment is bulk billed, no fee will be deducted. Click here to learn more.

Parking Information

Our clinic is now located at 1 Light Square, Gawler. Information about car parking can be found here.