Contact Details
Our reception staff will be pleased to help you with arranging an appointment or checking for the results of medical tests.
Ph. (08) 8522 3444
Fax (08) 8523 1110
General and business enquiries should be directed to the practice manager.
Hyde and Partners Medical Centre is located at 1 Light Square, Gawler SA 5118 | View Map
Customer parking is available.
Key Administration Contacts
Joanne O’Reilly – Practice Manager
Tracy Edge – Assitant Practice Manager
Hyde and Partners Medical Centre strives to provide the highest possible standards of comprehensive patient care and support. We welcome patient feedback in an effort to continuously improve the service provided.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, we would like to hear about it.
Patients are invited to discuss any aspect of their treatment or interactions with staff with our Practice Manager in confidence.
Alternatively, you may contact the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner in South Australia via, located on the Ground Floor, 191 Pulteney Street, Adelaide SA 5000. Alternatively, you may call them on (08) 8226 8666.
Contact Us
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