Your personal health information will only be accessed by authorised persons for the management of your care, and will not be released or otherwise used except as detailed below without your written consent.
Patients are advised that without prior authorisation, pathology results will not be released to anyone other than the patient themselves under any circumstances. Parents and carers must make advance arrangements with the practice if they will require access to any medical results of their charges.
During the regular Australian accreditation process, medical records are randomly selected by a GP for quality assurance purposes. If you do not wish your records to be used, please inform your doctor. Only de-identified information may be used for research purposes.
Under the provisions of the privacy act, patients may access their health information. Requests should be addressed in writing to the practice manager.
A search fee will be charged for retrieval of records.
We invite your feedback
Hyde and Partners Medical Centre strives to provide the highest possible standards of comprehensive patient care and support. We welcome patient feedback in an effort to continuously improve the service we provide.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, we would like to hear about it.
Patients are invited to discuss any aspect of their treatment or interactions with staff with our reception staff or may prefer to speak with the practice manager in confidence.
Alternatively, you may contact the Health Advice and Complaints Unit, 11 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide, SA, 5000.